gedicht van de dag lyriek more songs

a facebook song

i burn in love’s hell
where billions are driven
in circles without end, and
they know it.

i pray to my love
equally burning,
beheaded and all.
she carries the faces
whose names have been given.

a scary old porter
hands down the sods
to poorly dressed dancers
and hungry old men.

downward they go,
into the tumbler, screaming
for mercy but mercy’s in jersey
giving a show.

now love’s hell can be
a shell and i know you can cook
up y’r poems better than me
but here’s what you see:

all of your faces
and all of your names
all have been written
in one single book
so one day for sure,
you’ll all end up like me.

rev. dv@CAU

voor more songs

more songs

more songs is een collectie Engelstalige songteksten.

  • a Facebook song
  • song ‘i tear out my eyes’
  • song ‘do not call me into your light of day’


copyright ‘ViLT //dagwerk van dirk vekemans’:
CC0 1.0 Universal (CC0 1.0) Public Domain Dedication

dit werk is met liefde opgedragen aan de arbeider, huizenbouwer, muzikant en kunstschilder Julien Vekemans (26/06-1940 – 09/11-2007)


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