hyperlink — (a link from a hypertext file to another location or file; typically activated by clicking on a highlighted word or icon at a particular location on the screen) => link — 1computing) an instruction that connects one part of a program or an element on a list to another program or list) => […]
Maand: maart 2005
Floating in a Zeppelin
… “Le livre unique, l’oeuvre totale, toutes les combinaisons possibles à l’intérieur du livre, le livre-arbre, le livre-cosmos, tous ces ressassement chers aux avant-gardes, qui coupent le livre de ses relations avec le dehors, sont encore pires que le chant du signifiant” Deleuze & Guattari, Mille plateaux,p.159 When Deleuze and Guattari wrote this, there was […]
Pop out progress some real window
… If the quality of net art is to be measured by the number of pop-up windows one produces, i will score very badly indeed. Why do all these artists use a pop up window? To liberate their art from the burden of browsers. To make it ‘autonomous’ on the screen. Do they succeed by […]
At least let this be clear
… SEARCHING = BUILDING = WRITING;no difference whatsoever. No hay caminos, hay que caminar. …
on hacking, Vaihinger, programming & fiction

Well, today for a while i made some rather ‘audacious’ links at the NKdeE website1i was talking about the site at vilt.net, the domain is no longer mine. dv@CEG. i introduced some fictional characters including a hacker, my host and myself as the delusionary nerd that i am sometimes and linked some ‘serious’ parts, like […]
…Here’s some upcoming stuff in the NKdeE: …NKdee SCHOOL aka Kristine Academy of Cathedral Building: a subprocess dealing with technical aspects of Cathedral building and distributing educational materials covering all those aspects. in its first stage it will contain mostly white space but hopefully more and more basic as well as advanced tutorials of how […]
Ars Electronica entry
…Somebody (or some automated process – it’s hard to distiguish in mails these days) send me a mail to invite me to enter the NKdeE in the NET VISION category of the Prix ARS Electronica 2005, which i did of course because the i don’t mind getting prices at all and who knows i might […]