
PRRT with [Y-90-DOTA,Tyr3]

PRRT with [Y-90-DOTA,Tyr3]octreotide (Y-90-SMT487, OctreoTher) has potential benefit in patients with somatostatin receptor positive tumors. We investigated whether toxicity (tox), mainly renal and red marrow (RM), and effects on tumor size are different when the total radioactivity (RA) is given in 4 equal cycles (4-cy) or in fewer cycles (cy), but with higher activity per […]


Fiction, absence

The pathetical need for the dogma of unity in creativity, mistaking the creative mind for source of the whole thing: “If you were to ask a writer which is the ‘real book’ – his idea of it, his activity in writing it or its return to himself in power, he would be at loss to […]


Michael Bielicky’s This year in Jerusalem

from the page at the Jewish Museum, Prague: “a live feed from the Robert Guttmann Gallery at the Jewish Museum in Prague. The gallery is currently running Michael Bielický’s installation This Year in Jerusalem, for which purpose it is equipped with a special device to track movement (a motion capture tracking system). The system works […]


An expandable list of tables

part of the sponge at … The neglected table of negligence. The desired table of desire. The indifferent table of indifference. The burning table of Paris. The dying table of death. The sobbing table of sadness. The free table of the people. The itching table of ontology. The female table of gender. The inevitable […]


the way that it works is the way that it works so i must admit i have neglected my regular job for too long again in favour of the Cathedral so now i will have to catch up finn & hookedonancially again so i will not bother anyone too much the next week or so […]


MU # 3

The third of what is beginning to look like a series wants you to use your browsers scroll button to interact with the Flash animation. There’s one animation, consisting of about 40 screenshots from files in the Cathedral played in succession at 25 frames a second. I’ve used a free 24 hour trial period of […]


Mu #2

Mu #2 further expands on the zen koan. This time i’ve gone a a bit into 3d, loading the graphics of the previous version into Maxon’s Cinema 4DXL to build an animation reminiscent of the 9/11 disaster. It’s not very political, though, i just use the event as an illustration of endowing timely constructs with […]


Cathedral offline

With all the excitement of moving to a new house, i clean forgot to renew the DNS registration for It has been renewed now but it will take some time before the account is reactivated.I humbly apologize for my extreme negligence. All pictures here are served from as well, so you won’t be […]


Christmas Deals @ the Cathedral

– please do not touch items on display-

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